20th AIAI 2024, 27 - 30 June 2024, Corfu, Greece

Higher-Order Adaptive Dynamical System Modelling of the Role of Epigenetics in Major Depressive Disorder

Taylor Magielse, Diana Pena Lage, Isabel van Lieshout, Jan Treur


  This paper focuses on the modelling of an experiment concerning the emotional response as a result of thinking about happy memories for non-depressed and depressed individuals. Furthermore, it shows the role of epigenetic changes in this experiment by showing that the depletion of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene expression, often associated in literature both with depression and memory functions, can lead to a depressed individual and a change of feeling state with happy memory recall. An adaptive dynamical system model was designed for this process, which involves higher-order adaptation in emotion regulation. This computational model was represented as a higher-order adaptive network model and showcases an individual who, at first, does not have a major depressive disorder (MDD), but then a stressful life event happens, leading to epigenetic changes associated with BDNF depletion that make the person develop depression.  

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