20th AIAI 2024, 27 - 30 June 2024, Corfu, Greece

FCGAN: Spectral Convolutions via FFT for Channel-Wide Receptive Field in Generative Adversarial Networks

Pedro Gomes, Luiz Fernando Santos, Marcelo Gattass


  In this paper, we propose the Fast Fourier Convolution Generative Adversarial Network (FCGAN). This novel approach employs convolutions in the frequency domain to enable the network to operate with a channel-wide receptive field. Due to small receptive fields, traditional convolution-based GANs struggle to capture structural and geometric patterns. Our method applies Fast Fourier Convolutions (FFCs), which use Fourier Transforms to operate in the spectral domain, affecting the feature input globally. We show that this new hallmark doesn't hinder the stability of adversarial training even for channel-wide convolutions. Our experiments further support the claim that Fourier features are lightweight replacements for self-attention, allowing the network to learn global information from early layers. We present qualitative and quantitative results to demonstrate that the proposed FCGAN achieves results comparable to state-of-the-art approaches of similar depth and parameter count. Moreover, in larger image dimensions, using FFCs instead of self-attention allows for batch sizes up to twice as large and iterations up to 26% faster.  

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