20th AIAI 2024, 27 - 30 June 2024, Corfu, Greece

Detecting Illicit Data Leaks on Android Smartphones Using an Artificial Intelligence Models

Serge Lionel NIKIEMA, Aminata SABANE, Abdoul Kader KABORE, Rodrique KAFANDO, Tegawende F. BISSYANDE


  In today's digital landscape, hackers and espionage agents are increasingly targeting Android, the world's most prevalent mobile operating system. We introduce DeepDetector – a system based on artificial intelligence to recognize data thefts in Android. This model is based upon a large dataset comprising of clean and tainted network traffic trained using a Random Forest Classifier. DeepDetector scores high in two main areas as it achieves 82.9% accuracy for connection anomaly detection and 89.9% recall in connection anomaly detection whereas it gets 78.9 percent accuracy and 81.6 recall in terms of detection of under the system mounted with Raspberry Pi, automatic data collection, preparing of a dataset, training and testing of the model, as well as leak detection are ensured. In this regard, DeepDetector offers a viable way of enhancing Android user security.  

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