20th AIAI 2024, 27 - 30 June 2024, Corfu, Greece

Advancing scRNA-seq Data Integration via a Novel Gene Selection Method

Konstantinos Lazaros, Themis Exarchos, Ilias Maglogiannis, PANAGIOTIS VLAMOS, Aristidis Vrahatis


  Cancer presents a formidable challenge in medical research, spurring efforts to demystify its underlying mechanisms towards advancing precision medicine, which aims at tailoring treatments to individuals' genetic profiles. This study harnesses the power of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), a cutting-edge tool in next-generation sequencing, to delve into the transcriptomic intricacies of individual cells across diverse populations. Our methodology provides profound insights into gene expression patterns, significantly enhancing our understanding of cellular heterogeneity and its implications for cancer's pathogenesis. To address the 'curse of dimensionality' inherent in high-dimensional data, we introduce a sophisticated machine learning-based feature selection approach. This technique conceptualizes gene selection as a multi-label classification challenge, focusing on identifying genes critical for distinguishing between disease states and cell types. Importantly, our strategy underscores the value of data integration in reinforcing the statistical robustness of scRNA-seq analyses. By integrating disparate scRNA-seq datasets, we effectively mitigate batch effects, ensuring more accurate and reliable insights, thereby contributing significantly to the advancement of precision medicine in oncology.  

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